In January, we invited Dr Kate Hovers, the Director of Wales Veterinary Science Centre, to talk to us about sheep cognition and behaviour. This talk was hosted with the Animal Welfare Foundation, who kindly sponsored us with pizza!
Dr Hovers talked about facial recognition in sheep, the effect of stress on their judgement, and touched upon the AWIN project which emphasises pain assessment and pain recognition to improve welfare in small ruminants.
Kate Hovers - Qualified in 1983 and spent 21 years in mixed practice. Holds a certificate in Sheep Health and Production and past president of the Sheep Veterinary Society. Consultant and flock health advisor since 2004. Director of Wales Veterinary Science Centre. Veterinary Services to Stoc + (flock and herd health planning project in Wales). Lives on a small hill sheep farm in the Brecon Beacons with partner, sheep, dogs and horses. Also found running (slowly) in the hills.
Here are additional resources that are related to the talk- some insightful research into sheep cognition!